50 micron

Transparent Polyester film is designed for use in printing, metallising, and coating applications. It can also be used for various industrial and cable core wrapping applications. It has excellent slip and dimensional stability over a wide range of temperatures.

75 micron

Transparent Polyester film is designed for various industrial use. It has excellent slip and dimensional stability over a wide range of temperatures.

100 micron

This transparent polyester film is designed for various industrial. It has excellent slip and dimensional stability over a wide range of temperatures. It is assigned for technical applications, e.g. boxes windows and for food packaging. The film is marked by lower haze value.

150 micron

This transparent polyester film is designed for various industrial. It has excellent slip and dimensional stability over a wide range of temperatures. It is assigned for technical applications, e.g. boxes windows and for food packaging. The film is marked by lower haze value.